Monday, May 12, 2008

Five down, two to go...

Soon, soon, soon... five finals down, and two to go.

It dawned on me today that I spend my life looking forward to the next best thing.

Is that bad??

I'm not really sure... but today, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

I'm in California visiting my Aunt Katydidnot and the little people, and today, my heart feels full.

The comfort I feel when I'm with my Aunt Katie is something I don't get with anyone else. It's like when you walk outside the morning after a night of rain and you can smell fresh worms on the sidewalk. It's like when you are driving in your car, after a bad day at work, and that one song comes on that makes your heart laugh. It's like a sour apple jolly rancher, and the stabbing in your cheeks happens, that hurts, but makes you smile. It's like that. It just feels right.

And, the little people and I read books before they went to bed. That was after I took the adolescent boy on a trip to Coldstone and Barnes & Noble, just the two of us. It was after I introduced the adolescent boy to cake batter ice cream and he quietly looked up at me with the spoon half way out of his mouth and said, "that's my new favorite". That was before I went to the grocery store with the adolescent boy and bought doughnuts for the little people in the morning, simply because their mother wouldn't normally let them.

It's the little things in my life that I seem to be in such a hurry to get past. I seem to be in such a rush, looking forward to the next thing in my life, that I'm missing the things that mean the most. It's the quiet conversation with Aunt Katie in the car on the way to the mall. It's the totally comfortable silence on the phone with my amazing boyfriend who I miss so much.

I realized today that, whatever I'm looking forward to, will come with time. I just have to open my heart to the moment I'm in right now.

But... one more thing I'm looking forward to.... my stimulus check that should be in the bank tomorrow! Thank you George Bush... (I never, ever though I would say that).


  1. So sweet. I wish I had an Aunt Katie and kids when I was your age.

    (Great post. Good luck on those finals.)

  2. Nicely said. I am right now finding myself getting crabby with the dumb stuff at the end of the school year and desperately looking toward summer, but I know I'll miss good things if I don't stop it.

    Have fun with the kids, Kate, & extra cash :)

  3. you are my sour apple jolly rancher too. thank you for taking such good care of my babies. especially the adolescent boy.
