Tuesday, April 28, 2009

She's my aunt not my mom

Aunt Katydidnot is amazing, and definitely the best aunt ever.

It's my birthday today and I feel blessed to have her in my life, even though she is way too far away.

Go here. Everything you will ever want to know about me and who made me who I am. It's there. In her words.

Thanks Aunt Katie. I love you.

Oh and p.s. she's my aunt not my mom.


  1. bleh. i am so your mom. in a totally not your mom, auntie kind of way.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    I wish I had an aunt like yours - you lucky girl!

  3. Happy, Happy Happy Birthday to you you extremely amazing girl. Know that you are well loved. It is amazing to think that you are twenty three. Happy Birthday, late, but heartfelt.


  4. Late to the comment section. Again.

    Can't wait to meet you.

  5. Now we need a blog about the 7-11 party. Make me feel like I was there! (Or pissed I wasn't invited)

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