Friday, May 22, 2009

Waterproof mascara? I think so.

This year is a big year for my family. Tomorrow is a big day. 
My baby brother, 
my little man, 

my little Jackie,

 is graduating from high school tomorrow. 

I cannot believe it. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I couldn't be more proud of his success, and wish I could have been more like him. His admittance into the engineering program at University of Colorado at Boulder and his $8,000! in scholarships make me swell with pride. 

With pomp and circumstance playing over the speaker system in the same gym that I walked in, I? Will be bawling my big sister eyes out. 

Waterproof mascara? I think so. 


  1. waaaaah!

    you both used to be so cute. now he's just a smartass with a deep voice.

  2. We could not be more proud of our four graduates this year. What a family!! Wish I could be there.
