Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So I've been doing some research on acupuncture and fertility/infertility. I've heard from a lot of people that it can do wonders for your hormones and I'm seriously considering giving it a try. We are at 18 months of trying (a few of those months consumed by miscarriage and the aftermath and a few months we didn't try). I think the next thing my doctor is going to suggest is seeing an RE and/or trying Clomid (a drug used to strengthen or make ovulation happen). I am leary of this drug, and the nearest RE is a four hour drive away.

With these things in mind, I'm considering acupuncture. I've been looking at all my options here in the valley. I was surprised to find that there are a lot of options with quite a few acupuncturists specializing in female hormones and infertility. I have heard amazing success stories of women who had gone through multiple failed IVF cycles and then trying acupuncture and getting pregnant.

I know it's sort of hippy-like of me, and totally not a normal thing I would consider, but I really don't want to use drugs. I don't like the idea of forcing my body to do something, even though I may resort to that at some point. I also hear that acupuncture is a great stress relief. Since my last miscarriage last August, my hormones have seemed very out of wack, with bad skin and all. My skin is worse than it was when I was in 8th grade. That'll piss a 25 year old girl off. Acupuncture doesn't sound so bad after all.

What do you think? Have you ever tried it? Do you have any success stories to share?


  1. My friend did it along with her first round of IVF and it was successful. :-) She had a beautiful baby girl. When Haven was just 8 months they got the surprise of their life when she found out she was pregnant AGAIN! No IVF or drugs. She is due in Sept. with another baby girl! Keep the faith and know God has a perfect plan! Lots of love!

  2. DO IT! I'd say to exhaust all your options before resorting to the big stuff (medications). I also believe that this could help you with some of the stress surrounding fertility issues which would impact your entire well being. I am a hippy at heart and have heard of wonderful outcomes from taking a more natural route. Another person you could contact is Aarin-Meager Benson. She is a naturopathic doctor here in town and she may be able to help you with some homeopathic counseling regarding fertility issues. Look her up at Two Rivers Natural Health. Good luck!

  3. I don't know much about this stuff, but I honestly don't think this could hurt at all so I would just give it a go! Good luck. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth
