Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crocodiles and piranas circling my feet in the muck

So I'm beginning to realize I actually can't do it all. Today it dawned on me while I was sitting at my desk in the midst of piles of paperwork, tile samples, and textbooks that maybe, just maybe I was doing too much. 

And then, slouching in my office chair, staring at my brand new love affair macbook, I spontaneously combusted into a swamp of tears. I am quite sure there were crocodiles and piranas circling my feet in the muck. 

Now, I am already struggling with getting clients to take me seriously as a twenty one year old female working in the construction industry. How I thought sobbing at my desk would help the situation, is beyond me. But believe me, it was absolutely necessary at the time. 

But it has been one of those weeks. You know what I'm talking about. Those weeks where everyone needs something from you, including your second cousin, twice removed, who lives in Vermont. The weeks when someone cuts you off in traffic and you are sure your head just spun around and you have to literally count to ten while you are driving just so that you don't rear end that f**king f**k nice old lady in the car in front of you.

*Deep Breath* One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. *Another deep breath*

Yeah one of those weeks. 

Everyone says that twenty three credits is a lot for someone in college. I guess I thought that possibly it wasn't too much for someone who is in college and working a full time job. Um, hello? Apparently someone knocked me unconscious and gave me temporary amnesia when I registered for classes. 

This public service announcement is brought to you by the American Try To Remind College Students They Are Still Human Even After Three Years Of Keg Stands And All Nighters Association. Twenty three credits and forty plus hours a week is too much. 


  1. 23??? are you flipping kidding me??

  2. Yeah, I agree 23 is wayyy too many!
    Cry all you need to!
    Love Vin

  3. I remember taking 21 credits while working 1 full time job and 1 part time job. It's rough for sure, and something is bound to suffer because of it.

    Don't do it too many semesters in a row, otherwise you burnout or go loopy. Or both.

    Hang in there though. You'll get through it.

  4. i'm with you here! i'm taking 21 and my next blog is coincidentally about what i'm calling my "quarter life crisis"

    love you!

  5. Well everyone else has pretty much said what I was thinking. Except for "Wow, you keep in touch with second cousins?" and "Macbook, seriously?"

    Best of luck.

  6. We are still reeling from the credit count.

    (I'm sucking in deep breaths on your behalf. Geez, that's a lot.)

    Please take care...
